Wednesday, July 7, 2010

CCCS is my


One of the credit cards that Ryan used to have in his CCCS account was actually the worst credit card ever known to man. It's a First Financial Bank card - and it was the devil. Interest was compounded daily, they only accepted payments via mail, and it took forever to post to the account..... which was convienient, because with interest compounding daily, the balance due went up daily.

Worst. Card. Ever.

I don't know where he got it, but if you have one, cut it up immediately. It sucks.

At any rate, we worked extra hard to get that one paid off (due to the shit-eating reasons above)and I sent in the final payment to them on July 25. Every day since then I have called First Financial to hear the automated recording tell me the balance. It has become our morning ritual. Every day we hear the automated lady tell us that the balance has gone up by a dollar or two.

Today, the lady told us our balance was ZERO dollars with a future payment of ZERO dollars.

That was the card with the biggest balance from Day One (just 2 months shy of 4 years ago). That was the card with the worst interest, worst customer service, worst everything. And now it's paid off, down to zero, and closed so that we never have to get a statement from them ever again.

Today is a very good day at our household. Today is the day that CCCS actually becomes our bitch, instead of the other way around.

There is one other card in Ryan's CCCS account. I will send in payment on the 25th of this month, and will then call in for the pay-off total. The last payment on that card (and thus, his account) will be sent on August 25, exactly 4 years after our very first payments were due.

Yes, today is a very good day.


Pollyanna said...

YAY! Congrats! I long to pay off credit cards. We've stopped using them, but it just seems like we're getting no where.

Rachel said...

Congrats congrats congrats!!! It is ALWAYS an amazing feeling to bet rid of debt :)

Kenya said...

Left an award for you on my blog!