Saturday, March 6, 2010

One payment at a time.

I love Money Saving Mom and she had The Hormonal Housewife do a guest post yesterday, which you can find here. I can appreciate when people are real about their money, and she really lays it out on the line. Sometimes it's just nice to know that not everyone has their act together, but they're trying and that's what's important.

We try every day. We're not always successful (see ticker at bottom of page), but at the end of the day, we have a roof over our heads (who cares if we don't own said roof), enough food in our fridge, and each other.


Sue said...

I've been married decades longer than you have and I couldn't have said it better!

Victor | UPrinting said...

Hi Katie, I just checked the ticker and just want to tell you that you can do it! :-)

There are times that we face financial challenges, whether its a bloated credit card bill or an issue on savings. Although these are serious challenges, I agree that dealing with these problems with a positive outlook can make the process easier.