Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My dollars

All of my money goes to:

Skinny Hazelnut Latte in the morning and online shopping at Gymboree during lunch. Throw in 2 pumping sessions and a handful of emails/phone calls/meetings and all of a sudden it's time to leave to pick up Little Bean.

But if I had to tell you how much I've spent on coffee and adorable (on sale, I promise) baby clothes for next year, I think we'd both be sick.


Unknown said...

I feel your pain! I buy a Grande Hot Chocolate from Starbucks just about every day. It is so hard not to! It was right by work and taste so yum!

By the way, I am having a fabulous give away!
~Romantic Savy

E @ Oh! Apostrophe said...

But sometimes you just NEED Starbucks. Once I added up how much I spend there in a year... and then I said, well, I think it makes me about that amount of happy. ;)

As for the baby clothes, I'm trying to hold off right now but I'm sure I'll be right there with you soon!

Kim said...

Glad all is going well! Yay for Little Bean! Miss her. Love to all!! -Cuz Kim xoxo